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The BIG Question: The utility as we know it is on its way out – right or wrong? With the increased use of distributed generation, smart meters, micro grids, prosumers and other forms of self generation, the role of the utility is shifting from that of the traditional generation, transmission and distributor utility to something else… the question is what? Do you believe that the traditional utility is doomed to go the way of the dinosaurs, or is the changing landscape an opportunity to evolve into something better? Philip Mullins Jim Nice Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Tait Communications Americas “On its way out” is a long-term transformation that requires the completion of many different system life cycles. Most systems purchased in the past 5 years have another 15 to go before they will become intelligent. The question to me is “Are the consumers of electricity as we know them on their way out?” In my opinion the consumer of energy will have many more choices – sooner than the industry that delivers it... I think that the consumer will present real threats to grid stability over time and limit the ability of the utility to forecast supply and demand accurately as they become more empowered to make energy decisions independent of the utility. Local generation will take hold, especially as energy storage solutions mature. I would watch what the military does to get off the grid – I think they will bring some scale to an emerging set of distributed generation systems that will speed up the economics. I think some in the industry plan on leading this and being an integral part of it, while others see it as a problem for the next generation... of course this is just my opinion. Utilities… ARE….. Dead…. Just as sure as the dinosaurs likely saw the comet/asteroid that doomed them, utilities can see it coming, even though they are mostly wasting time, resources, money and energy fighting against the inevitable. True Distributed Power is headed their way. Companies like Apple, IKEA, Google, TESLA and Solar City are either leading the charge... or adapting to the new energy climate with great enthusiasm. Most have 100% renewable energy goals. But in the end, most Dino-tilities just simply don’t have the ability to pull that METERING INTERNATIONAL ISSUE - 3 | 2014 off. Not because they can’t, mostly because they simply won’t. They have been doing it their way entirely too long and they’ll lumber along charging more for fossil fuels at ineffi cient power plants, due to more customers going “off or nearly off the grid” and away from fossil fuels completely. Hawaii is showing the way that things will likely happen for utilities, just more accelerated due to the higher cost of energy and importance of the ecology of the islands. “The utility’s five-year plan for meeting the state’s ambitious renewable energy goals was harshly critiqued by the Energy Avenue, Ltd. That’s the ultimate goal. A completely transparent energy transaction platform that allows any generator, anywhere, to sell its “product” to any willing buyer at a negotiated price and move it across the existing T&D system for a fee. Regulators must be a part of the conversation and it must take place in parallel to the realignment of the utilities “as we know them”. David Culver Visionary Entrepreneur and Investor state. HECO’s regulator, the Public Utilities Commission, filled by Gov. Neil Abercrombie with fresh appointees, asserted that it would no longer play the traditional role of rubber stamp. Robbie Alm, the long-time public face of HECO, stepped down in July, and by the end of the year he had yet to be replaced.” Watch for the same thing to be repeated in California, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Oregon, New York, Arizona and anywhere else that Solar PV is being easily accepted and installed. Will it take longer...yes. Is it almost certain that residential and businesses will eventually be “off the grid”. YES. 49